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Kitchen & Bathroom Renovation 

Sometimes we don’t realize how much we depend on our Kitchen and Bathroom for our daily use. Boiling water, making coffee and tea, cooking, washing the dishes, cleaning, running the dishwasher. Taking a shower, flushing the toilet, brushing our teeth, washing our hands and face, the list goes on and on.

Bathroom & Kitchen remodeling are some of the most important home improvements projects, because not only is your personal life affected positively, but you receive a major return on investment when appraising your home for sale. 

Custom Bathroom
Pool Bath

The 5 Tips Before Starting Your Home Improvement Project


Think about the things you must have for your Bathroom or your Kitchen.

Think about the colors and kind of tiles you want. what type of shower you would be satisfied with a standard shower or a bathtub? Is there room to enlarge the bathroom if you wanted to? Can you add a window or do you want to change the layout all together?

Think about how your ideal bathroom will look like to reach your desired need for your home.


Any design preparation can be helpful, a set of an architectural plans can make you visualize the project that you are aiming to achieve.

It can be helpful sketching your idea with a designer or gathering magazine images, or searching online for designs to narrow down what your plans are With such ideas you will be able to express your vision to the professional taking on the project. 


Establish a realistic Budget For your Bathroom Remodeling Project.

You need to make sure that the project you are aiming for can be achieve with the budget u have in mind, so you can determine either to dip into your savings or get a loan.

To achieve the project with less coast added is to keep the same layout plan because to move fixtures and plumbing around can make the price rise.


Changing an existing layout requires permit, make sure you secure the documentation needed from the building permit department so you won't face any obstacles in the renovation process.


Consider the time frame for which you would like to have your project completed by. Is this something you can wait to complete or do you absolutely need it done right away. Keep in mind rising material costs as time goes on. Designating a clear and concise time frame allows you to set expectations with your contractor and create a timeline for project completion.

Achieving the final best results.

At Warm Home we will work with you to achieve the project you desire with accurate deffiniton, and guide you through the process of making  the correct choices in choosing the right tiles, fixtures, lighting, accessories and material needed and advise you of the detail and performance to look forward to.

From blue print to final renovation "kitchen" WHI

We not only help you in completing the project with accuracy but we will complete in a very precise timing manner, and give you the best results and headache free. 

We are detail oriented and and help you achieve the desired layout and design needed to complete the project with excellent results. 

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Serving central and eastern U.S.

 1103 kings road Tifton Georgia 31794
​5591 Spectra Circle Ft Myers FL 33908

1 (844) 944-4666

    (863) 315-5115 

    (229) 520-5504

    (504) 321-5552

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